Do I need a business coach or a consultant?
Do I need a business coach or a consultant?
Running a business is not something that one person can do completely on their own. Seeking out advice from other professionals or bouncing ideas off of someone you trust is a necessary action if you want your business to truly succeed. The best businesses out there aren’t run solely by one person but are a conglomerate of many ideas and opinions.
Business owners often hire business coaches to help them with the ‘business’ side of things such as implementing processes and looking at financials. The main difference between a business coach and a consultant is that a consultant comes up with answers.
CAST design team does Creative Consulting. We are designers that have been trained in design thinking to come up with solutions. If you are not clear on how to present your business, unique proposition, or what makes you different from your competition has you feeling stuck, you should consider working with a Creative Consultant.
What Does a Creative Consultant Do?
A Creative Consultant is someone that can give you new ideas and induce fresh ways of think about aspects of your business that you may not have considered before. Creative Consultants are experts in their field and can guide you on what you should be doing across different platforms. This includes but is not limited to how you are showing up online, employee culture, value proposition, and marketing. Combining business with creativity sets businesses apart!
Sitting down with a Creative Consultant for even just an hour or two can help spark ideas and bring about big differences in your business.
Why Should I Work With a Creative Consultant?
A Creative Consultant will help you push through plateaus in your business that can be solved through a little bit of creative thought. Sometimes it’s as simple as changing the flow of your website or updating a logo–but it’s something you wouldn’t have come up with on your own. As a creative expert, they can quickly identify weaknesses in your messaging. Working with a Creative Consultant can be beneficial if you’re not really interested in paying someone to fully handle something like your businesses social media or website. You know you can execute those sorts of tasks, even if it takes you a long time, but when it comes to best practices you just really aren’t sure. You aren’t required to work with the Creative Consultant through the implementation phase of these new ideas or plans, but the Creative Consultant can provide you with best practices and assist in the development of your strategy that you can then execute later.
Whether your business is new or seasoned, a Creative Consultant can help you find growth by providing insights on things like user experience and branding and by offering advice on your overall marketing strategy.
Success Story
In a recent conversation with one of our clients, we suggested that they incorporate a questionnaire into a speech they were giving to a large audience. The speech wasn’t directly meant to provide our Client with new clients of her own but we knew that by adding this small detail into her speech she was more likely to get audience engagement and in turn had a higher probability of getting new clients from it. Well, our client ended up seeing success the very next time they gave the speech! A simple, creative idea can bring you growth and success, and sometimes when you’re staring at the problem or product all day those simple, creative thoughts don’t come as easily. As Creative Consultants, we help you position your product or service at the top of your industry.