The Differences Between Brand Experience and User Experience


The Differences Between Brand Experience and User Experience

Brand experience and customer experience are two factors of a business with a singular focus: the customer. They work together to engage and draw in an audience, but they have inherently different characteristics and attributes. The brand experience helps cater to the consumer before they even become a customer, and the user experience, or UX, helps guide them through interactions within the brand. They have different approaches when it comes to the wants and desires of the customers, but are both firmly rooted in giving the best possible impression of your brand.

What is Brand Experience? 

Brand experience can rely heavily on visuals or design in order to communicate the message of your brand and evoke certain emotions from your audience. Although visual content is a large part of this, it isn’t the only factor. A great brand experience needs a solid marketing and advertising strategy backing it up. This can include bringing in new sales leads, engaging on social media, and pointing potential customers back to your brand. This creates awareness of your brand and will bring the audience into the next step: User experience.

What is User Experience? 

User experience references the steps the consumer will have to take to reach their destination with your brand. UX has a huge responsibility to ensure a smooth and positive customer experience. Think about it; you’ll be frustrated and give up quickly if a company’s website isn’t intuitive and is frustrating to navigate. High customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal here, so customers should be able to find service and guidance effortlessly. They’re unlikely to recommend or return to you if they have to stumble through a clunky website.

The Difference Between the Two 

The timelines also vary between brand and user experience. Brand experience focuses highly on a long term strategy that grows and develops with the business over a period of time. Relationships are eventually formed between consumers and the brand by continuously engaging with it. The brand experience lets consumers see the business through a certain lens and encourages loyalty. Contrastly, the user experience is much more immediate. Reactions are formed from the very second customers encounter your website or social profiles and the result can be either a lost customer or loyal returner. It won’t matter how good the brand experience is if the customer experience is lacking.

You are also able to measure brand and user experiences in different ways. Brand experience can be measured with data points such as reports and surveys to see how well consumers are engaged with it. User experience is normally measured by customer satisfaction scores and metrics that communicate with a brand, such as feedback surveys or star ratings. 

Either way, both brand and user experiences are important to generating revenue and increasing brand loyalty. They will both determine whether a customer will want to return to your business and will work together to accomplish the goals of your company.

Do you have more questions about Brand or User Experience? Have you been told that your user experience isn’t good? Reach out to our team for a consult on how to improve! 

Let us show you how we can help, ask questions, and make sure the synergy is there.