When designing a logo, you do not just start with a blank canvas. It’s not about pretty colors and a picture you like. Your logo should convey what you want to be known for. Through our branding and logo design process we ask that exact, and very important, question. What do you want to be known for?

Once we have a thorough understanding of what you want to be known for we take to research. We need to understand your market and where you will fit into it. Market research involves gathering information about your target audience, your industry, and existing competitors. Market research is an important first step in positioning yourself correctly in your industry.

Based on the information gathered from the steps above, and through an in-depth assessment, we create what is known as your messaging framework. Messaging framework is essential to designing a brand that communicates your unique message. This framework includes the brand promise, positioning statement, main message, and 3 brand pillars. Each part of the framework is imperative for brand consistency in all marketing efforts. Let’s learn more about what each part of the framework means and how they work together.

Brand Promise

Your brand promise is exactly what it says. It is the promise you are making to your customers. This is what customers should be able to reasonably expect every time they interact with your brand. The more follow through you have with a brand promise, the more value your brand has and the more loyal your customers will be.

Positioning Statement

Your brand positioning statement describes your products or services and how they fill the needs of your target audience. Your positioning statement aids in crafting a succinct message that is in alignment with your goals.   

Main Message

Your main brand messaging should convey value to your customers. Having a main brand message does not mean you will use the same wording on every piece of content you produce and disseminate to the public. It means that the underlying message will always be the same. The main brand message is what inspires, motivates, persuades, and influences buyers. It tells your unique story. Your audience should always be able to recognize a piece of content that is yours based on the messaging, even if your logo or name is not associated with the content.

Brand Messaging Pillars

Your brand pillars are what substantiates your main message. These pillars show proof in your messaging and deliver value to customers, helping convenience them of what you’re selling. Think of the main message as your essay topic or first paragraph and your brand pillars as your three supporting paragraphs. All of this is tied together through your conclusion paragraph, which is your call to action.

As you can see, the brand messaging framework is in depth, and what we described above barely scratches the surface. Every step of the process is as important as the next and each should be handled with care. Developing and delivering an authentic and consistent brand is the foundation of every successful business. CAST Design Team is here to help you be just that, a successful business with a brand that speaks for itself. Book a free consultation today to get started.

Let us show you how we can help, ask questions, and make sure the synergy is there.