5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your Brand
- Check your logo on all platforms
Does your logo look different on each platform? Do you have a branding guideline or logo family to help you remember what logo to use when? Creating this guide will help with consistency as well as knowing when to use what version. Stacked Version, Horizontal Version, and Icon are the typical three variations of a logo. Logo sizes and resolutions can appear differently on the type of device you are viewing it on so it’s important to know what works where. Make sure you have a variety of different logos for different content formats. Even with live print, your logo can look much different on paper than on a screen. Having a branding guideline and using the right logo file, fonts, and colors can help you save money and keep your branding consistent.
- Develop 3 avatars of your ideal client
If you don’t know who your ideal client is, how do you market your business to them successfully? The key is taking current or ideal clients and creating a detailed profile of them, often called avatars or personas. Once you have at least 3 avatars you can start creating content and a brand that your ideal clients would actually want to read about, ask about, or get curious about. - What is your competition doing?
Research who you are competing against and study them. Look at their website, social media platforms, and even try out their product or service if you can. Now, how do you do it differently or better? Be sure to look at what they’re doing poorly and really well. By looking at what they do better you can emulate (not replicate!) the general strategy they are executing. You can put your own spin on an already effective strategy and not waste time on reinventing the wheel. Whatever you do though, don’t take this piece of advice as us saying you shouldn’t innovate, because you definitely should! - Educate
You are an expert in your field and you know the complexity of it. When talking to your ideal client, do not use jargon or industry words as you will lose them in a heartbeat. Instead, educate them on why they need you. You can do this in many ways such as blogs, podcast, video, webinars, social media, and more. The way to gain new customers or clients isn’t through always selling. Instead educate first, and then sell later. Now, it depends on the client or customer on how much educating they need before you hit them with any kind of sales pitch, so be cognizant of this, and with the opportunity of meeting any new potential buyer always check their temperature first to see how interested and invested they presently are in your idea. - Develop a unique Logo or tagline
You have heard it before, be memorable, but how? It takes creativity to express what makes you different. Develop a logo that is not only unique, meaning it was designed for your brand, but also that can easily be recognized. A tagline should be around 4 – 8 words, that’s it! Any more and no one will remember it. Anything catchy will do because catchy slogans, songs, or jingles get stuck in our heads, even if its the local car dealership ad on the radio, and you don’t need a car, it can still get stuck in your subconscious if its good. Creating this type of brand awareness is ideal for customer loyalty and for staying top of mind of the individuals that don’t need your services yet but may in the future.